Life without vegetation


"Life without vegetation" thinking about this gives us goosebumps , isn't it?

We should self realize how dependent we are on vegetation for the survival, of our mankind.

Life without vegetation would be the same as  we could visualize the destruction of the battlefield after war is over, completely barren and lifeless

We should be aware that we might  die out of food before we die out of breath when our planet will be without vegetation


What is causing our lives to be without vegetation


Have we ever gave a deep thought about the reasons how we are making our life without vegetation.

In the survey, they published the fact that from the time we started agriculture 5.8 trillion trees have been cleared out till now

Not only agriculture but after the arrival of the industrial period vegetation have been32% declined.

Alarmingly increase in fires over the rainforest have caused a major decrease in quantity in vegetation

According to the survey, there has been 84%Increase in Amazon forest fire proportionally reduction in vegetation.


pic courtesy- washington wildlife photography

Consequences to bear when life without vegetation 


§  Deprivation in oxygen level:-

It is declared that the environment would not be devoid of oxygen because half of it is produced in the ocean by their marine life and half by vegetation but we cannot deny the fact that without vegetation there would not be sufficient oxygen for survival and increase in population exponentially is making it impossible


§  Atmosphere full of smog: -

Vegetation work as a sieve for filtering out all the harmful airway.

If we dare to imagine life without vegetation then pollution air mask and clean air bottle should be included in our daily basis


- Rise in air temperature

Here arises a question that is alarming though, if the planet is without vegetation then how adverse could be the changes in climate and temperature?

The emission of 15% greenhouse gas has been noted globally with a decrease in vegetation on the planet

The quantity of carbon dioxide has significantly increased causing ozone depletion

§  Imbalance in nature of rain

As we got to know about relationships between the vegetation and water cycle in our lower grades so it's not a surprise anymore that life without vegetation would not only be droughtful but we also have to be ready for adverse weather fluctuations such as flood, erosion, etc, as our safety net would not be available to cover our loss.


Life without vegetation will not exist and the earth without vegetation will become a lifeless wasteland

Tremendous processes which are essential for the existence of human being may come to cease

We as future have to carefully choose how to save our lives to be deprived of vegetation


